Friday, March 20, 2009

Bloom Where You're Planted

Fort Polk PWOC always has something to look forward to! One of them is Workshop Day where we take a break from our regularly scheduled Bible studies and spend a longer day together taking workshops and enjoying fellowship and meals. The theme for Workshop Day this year was, "Bloom Where You're Planted". Event organizer Laurie Rivera gave a poignant devotion on the subject which you will find below.

We are talking about blooming where you’re planted; well this certainly fits Ft. Polk, LA. Flowers can only bloom where they’re planted if they have the roots to sustain them.I’m going to reference a few verses, the first being Colossians 2:6-7. And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

When I was a little girl my mom would send my brother and I walking to church. We would go sit in the front with all the other kids whose parents sent them as well. We would cut up and try not to get caught, so I never really applied myself or I should say my heart. I knew I was a sinner and I knew what sin was, but I didn’t know about the personal relationship you could have with Jesus Christ.

So I went on about my life, I prayed every now and then, but only when I needed something. I went off to college still knowing that there was a God, He lived in Heaven and that I could pray-talk to Him.I met this guy and he went to church on Sundays so I went with him. We would sit there, say what we had to say, leave and check the block. We started officially dating and talking about marriage so we found a local Catholic Church because that is what we were brought up in. We took the classes, passed and got married. But throughout this whole time we had no real roots. We were not grounded.

After three years of marriage we decided it was time to start a family. We never opened a Bible in all our days but we were looking for a baby name and being in Korea we didn’t have a lot of resources like 10,000 baby names. My husband happened to have a Bible on his nightstand. We came across the name Caleb and loved it instantly!

So as most of you know we have a son named Caleb! Throughout all this time we were trucking along through life not really knowing our purpose; we were just making it. Then we find out that adding a baby to the life of “just making it” didn’t make it any easier. We continued on this life going downhill fast, but we subconsciously thought, “Ok we’ll have another baby”…. yeah that wasn’t too smart!

Little did I know that God was trying to pursue me. A friend invited me to church and my husband was TDY to NTC and I knew we needed something so I went. I completely didn’t have a clue as to what they were talking about and left more confused than when I went, but fortunately my friend loved me and God enough to share the Gospel!You see, I didn’t have any roots to anything, nor did I have the seed Jesus talks about in Luke 8:13. The seeds on the rocky soil represent those who hear the message and receive it with joy. But since they don’t have deep roots, they believe for a while, then they fall away when they face temptation

I knew I wanted to live a good life because I didn’t want to end up like some of my family members but I really hadn’t planted or rooted myself in anything other than just trying to get by. By this time my husband and I were still struggling, so I was desperate and God would not leave me alone. Later on I figured out that was one of His promises to His people, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” I thought about Him at home, at work, wherever I was. I felt this heaviness on my heart that I jut couldn’t shake. So I went to my friend’s house one night and she led me in a prayer that would change my life and my family’s life forever!My husband later revealed to me that he was saved at a Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting when he was 17. I asked him,"Why didn’t you ever tell me?" but God had a plan in all of it and He would use it for His glory.

As I said in the beginning, flowers need to have roots, and in good soil. From their roots they receive the nourishment they need. They also need the sun for light to be built up to grow. Some flowers look a little droopy when they haven’t had food or the light they need. When these things are given to them they perk up and seem as though they’re looking at the sun saying, “Here I am shine down on me!" The Lord is to be our light and we should be holding up our head looking to heaven ready to receive Him (The Son) shining down on us. You see, in hard times I fell into temptation with sin. Because if any seeds were sowed in my upbringing they fell by the way side. When God plants His seed, which is His Word, and we allow it to take root deep in our hearts; we want to bloom. We want to be built up.

So I challenge you to search in who or where you have your roots planted.


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